Fashion Window Display Tips

Window Display Tips


Have a theme

Whether it’s seasonal, based on a certain product, or something unique and creative, it helps to have some focus.

Make the Merchandise the Star

It’s ok to get creative and funky but just remember that at the end of the day, potential customers will buy the merchandise in the store, not the fixtures.

Use Lighting Properly

One of the easiest and best ways to make your window display stand out is to use proper lighting.  For instance, use halogen spot lighting to highlight the merchandise in the display.  Improper bulbs make merchandise looks grey and dull

Integrate your Advertising in the Display

Including your campaign (if you have one) into your window display will give passersby some imagery to work with and to digest. If you don’t have advertising, an attractive and colorful backdrop is a great way to frame the display.

Stack Products at Varying Depths and Heights

Use Display boxes in order to catch the shopper’s attention and make the display more attractive to the eye.

Have Fun with It

Don’t be afraid to experiment with various ideas you have.  The good news is that you’ll be able to see the results of your efforts almost right away and if your goals aren’t being met as far as sales, store traffic, or new customers, you have the power to switch it up.


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